Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Weekly Blog Maps

1) https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/  
The CIA world factbook has a world map where you can click on a continent which takes you to the countries in that continent and can get all the information about that country. I chose this map because I would like to work in the Geography department for the CIA.

2) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhTtfGHAFDtnsSRQK07ArbCoeTNrC_LgiC4W23cFM9m284XNsVqauRLWxqROrJkD3WthakyP0H3wM7u2xbwhpLX9HAC4N1c9dx8antp3gGlas5LDhjnSO4LEQGbdAisMmLm2CfLXCUMhgzj/s1600/MajorFiresAnimated.gif
This was an awesome map that is flip book style showcasing major fires as a result of nuclear power plants. The colors were used very well!

3) http://www.timemaps.com/store/timemaps/2012/4/500bc0202.jpg
Whenever I think of timeline maps I think of History subjects, so that's why I chose this as my example.

4) http://www.stadiumphysiosteo.com/uploads/image/JEUX%20Majeurs/Sotchi_2014/Sochi_Olympic_Venues.jpg
This is a map of the past Sochi winter Olympics where they show the different venues and what sport is located in that venue.  

5) http://gisweb.pwcgov.org/webapps/countymapper/
Prince William has a map that you can turn layers on and off to view different things.

6) http://www.nws.noaa.gov/images/national_forecast.jpg
I think weather maps are a good idea for motion tweens because it involves the isometric lines moving across the map.

7) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgqi0qGe7ggaMVLGasJT5e3yCMKibUEBvZ-9_2VHmhOPvvldC9vKdfsMp9K1p3Et3osYvNxKa13bfheG2UJ8e-9X3Pkb43_p4aiJb6Tbu6H7yJNB3bDhRUc2rHJi069BD6fsqFeVF6PvWE/s400/map.jpg
I utilized Google shape tween maps and found another blogger who had taken this class previously and had  a clean shape tween of Operation Barbarossa.  

8) http://www.androidtapp.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Google-Sky-Map-Splash-Screen-200x300.jpg
Google Sky Map has a splash screen before proceeding to the map.

9) http://i31.tinypic.com/xds4t0.jpg 
Of course I gotta go with a Google Map image because all of their maps consist of panning and zooming.

10) http://www.vidiani.com/maps/maps_of_north_america/maps_of_usa/detailed_3d_map_of_manhattan.jpg
I chose this because it was a cool 3-D map of the city of Manhattan.  It looks kind of vintage or something that a planner would come up with to propose something with the city. I liked it a lot!

11) http://breathingearth.net/
This is such a cool interactive map showing where at in the world, how much carbon dioxide you are breathing, how much is being emitted and what the population is in that country.

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